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Poultry Losses and One Health (POLOH): Reducing Losses and Zoonotic Risks along the Poultry Value Chain through a One Health Approach

This project is designed to enhance household food security and safety and improve the livelihoods of poultry smallholder producers. It takes place in Burkina Faso.



Enhancing productivity Feed market


Enhancing the productivity and resilience of agro-pastoral systems, and income, food, and nutrition security through market-oriented innovations in Niger

This project is designed to reduce multidimensional poverty through market-oriented crop-livestock integration, and specifically to improve nutrition through on-farm diversification and by enhancing income and livelihood resilience of agro-pastoral systems in Niger.


ETH woman with cow


Aflatoxin M1 Health Risks vs. Benefits of Dairy Consumption in Ethiopian Children: An Epidemio­logical Trial and Risk-Benefit Analysis

This project is designed to determine whether aflatoxin M1 exposure in milk is associated with child growth impairment and to compare any risks with nutritional benefits of milk consumption in children.


ETH girl with chicken


Improving Smallholder Poultry Production and Egg Consumption in Children Under Two in Ethiopia

This project is designed to improve smallholder poultry production through reducing poultry mortality, and to also to increase egg consumption in children under two in poultry owning households in Ethiopia.


Profiting from pigs project RWA


Profiting from Pigs in Rwanda: Improving People’s Lives and Livelihoods through More Productive Pig Farming

This project is designed to improve the lives of smallholder pig farmers and meet the nation’s increasing demand for pork. It is developing a package of good husbandry practices for farmers in the North and South of Rwanda while addressing common problems across the value chain. Additional outputs will include business models, genetic data, and outreach on pig keeping. 


RWA people crops Srinivasan 2022


Application of the Integrated Decision Support Systems to Improve Livestock Systems and Household Nutrition

This project is about researching ways to improve livestock fodder production and its effect on human nutrition. Using computer models and stakeholder input, the research teams will develop maps, best-bet combinations of technologies and practices, and educational opportunities in Western Rwanda. 



One Health Approaches to Mitigate Brucellosis

This project will support small-scale farmers by mitigating the risk of brucellosis in livestock, farmers, and family members in Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda. 



Developing climate-smart management strategies to improve sustainability of smallholder dairy cattle production systems in Rwanda

This project will assess the benefits of improved forage grasses and climate-smart agricultural practices on feed production and analyze their economic and environmental sustainability in smallholder dairy production systems in Nyanza, Burera, and Nyagatare districts in Rwanda

Woman with cow Nepal


Socioeconomic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Dairy Value Chain in Western Nepal

This project investigates effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the health and socioeconomic condition of children, local youth, women, and marginalized groups. It considers both qualitative and quantitative data from across the dairy value chain in rural areas.


Integrated approach to enhance milk quality, dairy animal productivity, and milk consumption by vulnerable household members in rural Nepal

This project is designed to strengthen the dairy sector in Nepal through productivity and quality improvements, promoting farmer economic development, and increasing milk consumption by vulnerable household members.

Modeling community-led goat genetic improvement programs into sustainable and profitable business

This project is designed to establish viable and sustainable business models for goat breeding centers where certified superior breeding goats are sold for a premium price and the community can run the business sustainably and profitably.

Système d’innovation en production animale (SIPA)

This project is designed to increase the productivity and resilience of the livestock sector in Haiti through targeted, applied, and integrated research and capacity development in animal nutrition and genetic improvement.

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems is part of Feed the Future

This work was funded in whole or part by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Resilience, Environment and Food Security under Agreement # AID-OAA-L-15-00003 as part of Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems. Additional funding was received from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation OPP#060115.  Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors alone.