Accessing Videos

More than 80 original videos are available on our YouTube Channel. To find videos on this website, use the search function, or visit the section of interest. 

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Featured Video Series

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Many of our events were recorded and available from the Events section.

Project Videos

Watch these insightful videos about our research projects.

Project: Engaging Men in Supporting Maternal and Child Consumption of Milk and other Animal-Source Foods in Rwanda


Project: Enhancing Milk Quality and Consumption for Improved Income and Nutrition in Rwanda



Project: Designing and Evaluating Innovations for Development of Smallholder Female Livestock Cooperatives in Nepal



Project: Enabling Value Chains to Create Sustainable Income for Vulnerable People in Crop-Livestock Systems of Burkina Faso and Niger



Project: Enhancing the Productivity of Small Ruminants through Improved and Cost-Effective Feeding and Animal Health Interventions (ENHANCE) in Burkina Faso and Niger


Project: Milk Production Practices, Udder Health and their Impact on Milk Quality, Safety and Processability in Rwanda


Project: Improving Dairy Animal Productivity and Income of Dairy Farmers through Effective Control of Mastitis Disease


Project: "Un Oeuf:" Improving Nutrition in Children Under Two through Increased Egg Consumption in Burkina Faso


Project: Safe Food, Fair Food for Cambodia


Project: Empowerment of Village Women for Detection and Control of Livestock Diseases in Nepal


Project: Improving Handling Practices and Microbiological Safety of Milk and Milk Products in Borana Pastoral Communities, Ethiopia