Creating Platform for Professionals in Ethiopia (C2P- Ethiopia): Strengthening and Accelerating Institutional Linkages Among Ethiopian Livestock Research, Learning, Development and Business Institutions  

  • Research Project Location: Ethiopia
  • Timeframe: April 2024 - August 2025
  • Funding: USAID


The livestock sector in Ethiopia needs effective, systematic efforts to strengthen communication, exchange, and cocreation of knowledge among actors. Outcomes from local research, education and extension services cannot be easily identified as they do not have a common platform to deposit, promote and share their outputs and services. As a result, there is a duplication of efforts by professionals and institutions and little knowledge of who is doing what. Scientific publications in local or international journals are not translated into other forms of communication products for relevant audiences e.g. commercial or subsistence farmers.

Currently, stakeholders are not coming together to find systemic solutions to address challenges in the sector. Effective, timely, and coordinated communication among stakeholders can improve the functioning of the livestock sector.

Project Goal and Objectives

The main goal is to contribute to system-level change of the livestock sector in Ethiopia by creating an easy-to-use electronic platform – a hub that will accelerate effective communication among livestock actors. The platform is designed to lead to exchange of knowledge and information between members of academia, other research institutions, extension, development partners, and the private sector.

The objectives of the project are to:

  1. Develop viable linkages between academia, research, development practitioners, policymakers, extension, farmers, and private/public business actors through an online platform for knowledge generation and exchange.
  2. Compile and share knowledge materials as electronic and audio-visual communication materials focusing on livestock production, animal feeds, and related subjects as part of an electronic depository.
  3. Advocate for and promote the newly created platform to strengthen livestock-systems-related knowledge generation and dissemination.
  4. Support the development of young professionals through short-term capacity development activities

Research Approach

The Hawassa University will establish and launch the electronic platform on its website. ICT experts will co-develop guiding principles for the platform’s creation and moderation and for identifying, storing and disseminating knowledge materials. Project partners from the four major regional states will assign experts to identify gaps in knowledge materials. Materials will be uploaded on the platform and promoted through social media and awareness-raising. E-learning modules about livestock production and animal feeds will be developed, and online training will be offered on the platform. Workshops with key stakeholders will be conducted throughout the project.

Principal Investigator (PI) and Lead Institution

Sintayehu Yigrem Mersha, Hawassa University  

Co-Principal Investigators

Ajebu Nurfeta, Hawassa University  

Additional Collaborators

  • SNV
  • Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI)
  • Arsi University
  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
  • Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI)
  • Oromia Agricultural Research Institute


Project Poster

Project Flyer