"Un Oeuf:" Improving Nutrition in Children Under Two through Increased Egg Consumption in Burkina Faso

This project aims to test the innovative behavior change strategy of gifting chickens to children by community champions to increase egg consumption among children under two. 



Intervention in Low Guinea Fowl Productivity and Related Products Consumption in Burkina Faso

This project aims to expand guinea fowl farming among smallholder households by promoting year-round feeding of birds with fly larvae supplements for increased productivity; synchronizing hatching of guinea fowl eggs; and introducing low-cost evaporative cooling egg storage to increase fertile egg viability.



Enhancing Egg Consumption through Women’s Empowerment in Burkina Faso

This project builds on the UF-led Focus project and examines various aspects of women’s empowerment and how behavior change messaging on the nutritional importance of eggs increase animal-source food consumption among infants and young children. It also examines the potential of livestock assets (chickens) to improve egg consumption in populations that have received repetitive nutrition and livestock information.



Enabling Value Chains to Create Sustainable Income for Vulnerable People in Crop-Livestock Systems of Burkina Faso and Niger

The project seeks to contribute to food security and poverty alleviation by improving the value chains of crop-livestock systems related to small ruminants. It applies the Innovation Platform approach to unite stakeholders in the pursuit of transformational learning and best practices. Youth and women in particular are targeted for training and interventions for income-generating enterprises



Enhancing the Productivity of Small Ruminants through Improved and Cost-Effective Feeding and Animal Health Interventions (ENHANCE) in Burkina Faso and Niger

This project aims to improve the development of appropriate production and post-harvest technologies in forage and feed value chains, animal feeds and feeding practices; strengthen capacity of small ruminant value chain actors to adopt technologies and innovations; disseminate best practices for parasites control and improve and disseminate policy recommendations related to the animal feed and fodder industry.



Linking Cattle Nutrition to Human Nutrition: A Value Chain Approach to Improving the Production, Handling, and Consumption of Animal Source Foods in Ethiopia

This project strives to create a systems approach that strengthens linkages among animal-source food production and consumption, practices, and human nutrition outcomes. 


Minten project photo


Improving the Evidence and Policies for Better Performing Livestock Systems in Ethiopia

The purpose of the project is to bring markets and consumption – on top of production – forward as an integral component into research on livestock systems. Insights into these aspects contribute towards more informed and evidence-based decision making and consequently to a better performing livestock sector in Ethiopia.


researchers in lab


Addressing Young Stock Mortality in Smallholder Farms and Pastoral Herds of Ethiopia

The project goal is to understand causes and risk factors for young stock mortality in cattle, goats and camels, while also providing input on the pilot testing of health interventions.  


ETH Borana women


Improving Handling Practices and Microbiological Safety of Milk and Milk Products in Borana Pastoral Communities, Ethiopia

The goal of this project is to improve handling practices of milk and dairy products and thus improve food safety for pastoralists in Borana. 



The Effect of Passive Surveillance Training on Animal Health Parameters, Northern Ethiopia

This project conducts a proof-of-concept research activity involving enhancement of awareness regarding recognition, reporting, and treatment of public and private good animal diseases. 




Mycotoxin Prevalence and Mitigation Measures in Ethiopia

This project assesses mycotoxin levels through a broad feed sampling at farmer cooperative unions (FCUs) working with the USDA-funded FEED project, enhances feed testing capacity, and communicates risk information for risk management.


Srini RWA cow


Application of Integrated Decision Support Systems to Improve Livestock Systems in Ethiopia: Research and Capacity Development

The main objective of this project is to demonstrate the use of an integrated decision support system (IDSS) as an analytic methodology for assessing the outcomes and impact of livestock research. 



Modeling Livestock System Dynamics and Economywide Policy Impacts in Ethiopia

This project aims to develop a systems-based analytical approach (model) to measure linkages of the livestock sector to the broader economy and to assess alternative national development scenarios. 




Feed-to-Farm Investigation of Mycotoxin Contamination of Feed and Milk in Ethiopia

This research provides the basis for identifying risk mitigation strategies in feed and in milk in two of Ethiopia’s vital milk-sheds, Addis Ababa and Hawassa. The information is necessary for the development of targeted data-driven measures to curb the production and transmission of mycotoxins in the livestock feed production chain.



Enhancing Milk Quality and Consumption for Improved Income and Nutrition in Rwanda

The aim of the project is to contribute to efforts aimed at enhancing the quality and consumption of milk for improved income and nutrition in Rwanda.



Assessment and Mitigation of Aflatoxin and Fumonisin Contamination in Animal Feeds in Rwanda 

The main objective of this study is to assess and mitigate the prevalence of aflatoxins and fumonisins in animal feeds in Rwanda and to raise awareness among professionals and policy makers in order to better protect consumer health and increase export opportunities.



Milk Production Practices, Udder Health and their Impact on Milk Quality, Safety and Processability in Rwanda

The overall objective of this project is to develop best practices that enhance dairy cow’s health and milk quality in the Rwandan dairy chain. 




Challenges of Implementing Modern Milk Quality Standards in Developing Countries: Case of Rwanda

This project compiles the available evidence on the informal dairy subsector in Rwanda as well as conduct microbiological and physicochemical analyses to determine milk quality. 


Pouring milk


Rwanda Enhancement for Enabling Policy Support to the Dairy Sector

This project intends to analyze and develop policy options to enhance milk and milk products in Rwanda. Observation in the country indicates that there is a growing demand for processed milk products.



Aflatoxin Mitigation through Education, Intervention, and Policy in Rwandan Dairy Products

The main objective of this project is to improve animal-source food production and consumption through improved feed safety and quality. 



Engaging Men in Supporting Maternal and Child Consumption of Milk and other Animal-Source Foods in Rwanda

The main objective of this research project is to develop, implement, and evaluate an intervention to engage men in maternal and child nutrition—especially milk and animal-source food consumption.


Women with goats


Designing and Evaluating Innovations for Development of Smallholder Female Livestock Cooperatives in Nepal

This project aims to design, implement, and evaluate activities to improve the goat value chain, i.e., drought-resistant forage varieties; a distance learning platform to help women to become Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs); and a text (SMS) message platform to improve efficiency and sustainability of goat production.



Empowerment of Village Women for Detection and Control of Livestock Diseases in Nepal

The main objective of this project is to establish a comprehensive program for reporting and controlling livestock disease in Nepal, based on the empowerment of village women and interactions with the Department of Livestock Services. 



Improving Dairy Animal Productivity and Income of Dairy Farmers through Effective Control of Mastitis Disease

The primary objective of the project is to enhance the livelihoods of smallholder dairy farmers through increased income from productivity improvement of dairy animals by the effective control of mastitis. It takes place in Nepal.



Feeding Support Tool Development for Enhancing Dairy Animal Productivity for Improved Livelihood of Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Nepal

The overall goal of the project is to increase the household income and create improved livelihoods of smallholder dairy farmers through improvement of dairy animal productivity particularly through feeding management improvement.



Strategies to Increase Milk Consumption Among Children in Rural Nepal

This project aims to assess the relationship between household milk production and child milk consumption through understanding: 1) the extent to which good husbandry practice behavior change was sustained, 2) other factors related to child milk consumption; and 3) the relationship between milk consumption and child growth outcomes.



Community-based Goat Breeding Program for Enhancing Productivity and Livelihood of Smallholder Farmers of Different Agro-Ecological Zones in Nepal

The overarching goal of this project is to sustainably improve goat breeding in order to improve the livelihoods of smallholder goat farmers, particularly women.



Safe Food, Fair Food for Cambodia

This project aims to reduce the burden of foodborne disease in informal, emerging formal, and niche markets and targeting small and medium scale producers.



Living Fences for Improved Livestock Feed in Cambodian Smallholder Systems

The overall goal of this project is to examine the production of tree species as living fences for added nutrition and crop protection for Cambodian smallholder livestock systems. 




Improved Pig Health and Nutrition: The Major Drivers of Profitability and Sustainability for Smallholder Farmers in Cambodia

This project aims to improve pig productivity on Cambodian smallholder farms by targeting two major factors that contribute to pig health: disease management and nutrition.



Peste des Petits Ruminants Vaccine Associate Award

The purpose of this project is to assess innovative approaches to PPR control using thermostable PPR vaccine and to build capacity to scale the vaccine across a broad region where the disease is endemic. It takes place in Rwanda and Kenya.



MAP-Market Analysis for Pastoralists

This project is designed to identify the right inclusive and innovative market interventions for pastoralists communities in Africa. Identification of such market interventions will contribute to improving the economy of pastoralists in Africa, reducing their poverty, and increasing their resilience. It takes place in Nigeria.



EQUIP—Strengthening Smallholder Livestock Systems for the Future

This project strives to improve the incomes, livelihoods and nutrition of smallholder farmers. It will do so through two areas of study: (1) increasing livestock productivity through increased supply of quality feeds (The Feed Study) and (2) testing an intervention strategy to reduce stunting in young children through egg consumption and reducing enteric dysfunction through improved chicken husbandry (The CAGED Study). It takes place in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso.


Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems is part of Feed the Future

This work was funded in whole or part by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Resilience, Environment and Food Security under Agreement # AID-OAA-L-15-00003 as part of Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems. Additional funding was received from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation OPP#060115.  Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors alone.