Course on how to interact with stakeholders

How to Keep Stakeholders Engaged in Your Research Project

This course encourages researchers to interact positively with their stakeholders over the lifetime of their projects. It is organized into the following short modules: (1) What is stakeholder engagement? (2) Why is stakeholder engagement important? Why is bridging the research-policymaking gap important? (3) Bridging research and policy through engagement and communication; (4) Practical stakeholder engagement strategies.

[Canvas course, free. Available in either English or French]


Qualitative Research Methods for Livestock Systems Research - A trainers' manual

This manual is designed for trainers to teach qualitative research methods in a university or non-university setting. It outlines a 2-week, full-day qualitative research methods course. The course is modularized to allow for facilitators to modify the course. All materials are adaptable to the local context and instructors are encouraged to use and adapt the materials as needed.

[Manual and introductory video for trainers]


Qualitative Research Methods

After completing the course modules, students will be able to define qualitative research, compare qualitative and quantitative research, design a qualitative study, formulate research questions, understand data collection methods, conduct interviews, analyze qualitative data, and write a research report.

[Canvas course, free]


Maximizing Your Research Impact

Develop your abilities to publish and to boost your online profile as a researcher. It covers topics such as: (1) creating an ORCID ID; (2) tools to make writing and publishing an article easier; (3) navigating the publishing process; (4) avoiding predatory journals; and (5) online tools for managing your search profile.

[Video series, PowerPoint slides available in English or French]


Library Access for Success: Finding Literature for Livestock Research

Learn how to conduct efficient and effective searches for high-quality scientific literature, using the most current and advanced online resources available in Africa and Asia. The series covers topics such as accessing and searching AGORA for research literature, storing references and content, and using online tools, ethics in research publication.

[Video series]


Local Capacity Development - Concepts, Approaches and Best Practices

This introductory course covers (1) concepts of systems analysis and thinking​; (2) the training of trainers approach; (3) network building as an approach to capacity development​; and (4) best practices to linking research with education, extension, practice, and policy.

[Canvas course, free. Available in either English or French]


Participatory Training for Adult Learners

This manual was developed to assist trainers in developing training materials that are methodologically appropriate for adult learners. The activities presented in this manual are grounded in best practices for adult learning. Each  is presented as a generic activity with the anticipation that it can be modified to fit the subject matter, content, and needs of the training.

[Manual and introductory video for trainers]


Developing Training Manuals for Trainers

Watch these videos to gain a better understanding of (1) adult learning; (2) the backward design of training; (3) developing measurable learning objectives; (4) aligning evaluations with objectives; (5) aligning content with objectives; (6) developing session plans; and (7) developing an agenda.

[Video series]


Woman with goat

Integration of Gender and Nutrition into Livestock Research

Learn how to integrate gender and nutrition in research for development projects to increase the impact of such projects. This three-part webinar series addresses the integration of gender and nutrition into the (1) design; (2) data collection and analysis; and (3) final reporting of livestock research projects.

[Video series]


Woman with chicken

Integrating Gender and Youth into Livestock Research

This course assists participants with integrating gender and youth into their project proposals from the start. It provides examples of how and why to do this and strategies for assessing impact related to specific gender indicators.

[Canvas course, free]


Good Laboratory Practices

The manual provides a step-by-step guide for a training course on safely running and managing a laboratory. The videos demonstrate essential elements of a laboratory and guiding principles for management. Students and those who are new to laboratory settings may wish to begin with the videos. The first video provides an introduction, and the other videos may be selected in any order. Collectively they offer a "Laboratory 101" overview.

Available in French

[Video series, trainers’ manual, PowerPoint slide decks ] 


Publishing Best Practices 

This series will give researchers helpful guidance and resources for publishing their research results.

[Video series, PowerPoint slides available in English or French]



Ethical Clearances

The purpose of the session is to provide an overview of the ethical clearances required before project research activities can start and guidance on when to inform the Livestock Systems Innovation Lab Management Entity in case of an unanticipated problem, such as adverse events, subject complaints, protocol deviations, and other untoward events involving risk adverse events.

[Canvas course, free] 


Producing Effective Policy Briefs

This is a free online course for researchers who want to learn how to write effective policy briefs to share interesting project findings/lessons and policy implications.

[Canvas course, free] 


Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems is part of Feed the Future

This work was funded in whole or part by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Resilience, Environment and Food Security under Agreement # AID-OAA-L-15-00003 as part of Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems. Additional funding was received from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation OPP#060115.  Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors alone.