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Agronomy Journal: special issue

Special Section: Developing Fodder Resources for Sub-Saharan Countries

These articles represent a special issue created in collaboration with Agronomy Journal. They cover a breath of issues related to livestock feed and fodder in sub-Saharan Africa. Most articles are related to our EQUIP-Feed project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

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Boote, K. J., Adesogan, A. T., Balehegn, M., Duncan, A., Muir, J. P., Dubeux, J. C. B., & Rios, E. F. 2021. Fodder development in sub-Saharan Africa: An Introduction. Agronomy Journal, 1–7.

How to access articles

Here are the other articles in the special issue, listed alphabetically and with a short heading.

Grass Mixtures

Abera, M., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., Geleti, D. 2022*. Herbage accumulation and nutritive value of mixtures of desho grass and Vicia spp. in southern Ethiopia. Agronomy Journal, 114, 165– 172.

Livestock Feeds

Amole, T., Augustine, A., Balehegn, M., & Adesogoan, A. T. 2021. Livestock feed resources in the West African Sahel. Agronomy Journal, 1–20.

Irrigated Fodder

Adegoke, A. T., Emmaunel, P., Adetayo, A., Augustine, A., Alan, D., & Michael, B. 2022*. Productivity nutritive value and economic potential of irrigated fodder in two regions of Ghana. Agronomy Journal, 114, 148– 164.

Forage Conservation

Balehegn, M., Ayantunde, A., Amole, T., Njarui, D., Nkosi, B. D., Müller, F. L., Meeske, R., Tjelele, T. J., Malebana, I. M., Madibela, O. R., Boitumelo, W. S., Lukuyu, B., Weseh, A., Minani, E., & Adesogan, A. T. 2021. Forage conservation in sub-Saharan Africa: Review of experiences, challenges, and opportunities. Agronomy Journal, 1–25.

NIRS Analysis

Balehegn, M., Varijakshapanicker, P., Zampaligre, N., Blummel, M., Ayantunde, A., Jones, C., Prasad, K., Duncan, A. and Adesogan, A.T. 2021. The use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for forage nutritive value analysis in sub-Saharan African countries: Challenges and opportunities. Agron. J. Accepted Author Manuscript.


Bedaso, N. H., Bezabih, M, Zewdu Kelkay, T, Adie, A, Khan, N A, Jones, C S, Mekonnen, K, Wolde-meskel, E. 2021. Effect of fertilizer inputs on productivity and herbage quality of native pasture in degraded tropical grasslands. Agronomy Journal, 1–12.


Bezabih, M., Mekonnen, K., Adie, A., Tadesse, T., Nurfeta, A., Dubale, W., Habiso, T., Kelkay, T. Z., Getnet, M., Ergano, K., Duncan, A. J., & Thorne, P. 2022*. Redesigning traditional weed management practices in faba bean fields to optimize food-feed production in the smallholder system. Agronomy Journal, 114, 248– 258.

Maize and Legume

Bitew, Y., Derebe, B., Worku, A., & Chakelie, G. 2022*. Maize–legume systems under conservation agriculture. Agronomy Journal, 114, 173– 186.


Dejene, M., Dixon, R. M., Walsh, K. B., McNeill, D., Seyoum, S., & Duncan, A. J. 2022*. High-cut harvesting of maize stover and genotype choice can provide improved feed for ruminants and stubble for conservation agriculture. Agronomy Journal, 114, 187– 200.

Fodder Nutrition

Feyisa, T., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., Balehegn, M., Yigrem, S., Bedaso, M., Boneya, M., & Adesogan, A. 2021. Assessment of fodder resources in Ethiopia: Biomass production and nutritional value. Agronomy Journal, 1– 18.


Harris-Coble, L., Balehegn, M., Adesogan, A.T. and Colverson, K. 2021. Gender and livestock feed research in developing countries: A review. Agron. J. Accepted Author Manuscript.

Sorghum Seeds

Mekasha, A., Min, D., Bascom, N., Vipham, J. 2022. Seeding rate effects on forage productivity and nutritive value of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Agronomy Journal, 114, 201– 215.


Mekonnen, K., Bezabih, M., Thorne, P., Gebreyes, M. G., Hammond, J., & Adie, A. 2021. Feed and forage development in mixed crop–livestock systems of the Ethiopian highlands: Africa RISING project research experience. Agronomy Journal, 1– 17.

Plant Spacing

Mekonen, T., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., Bradford, B., & Mekasha, A. 2022. Location and plant spacing affect biomass yield and nutritional value of pigeon pea forage. Agronomy Journal, 114, 228– 247.


Njuguna-Mungai, E., Omondi, I., Galiè, A., Jumba, H., Derseh, M., Paul, B. K., Zenebe, M., Juma, A., & Duncan, A. 2022*. Gender dynamics around introduction of improved forages in Kenya and Ethiopia. Agronomy Journal, 114, 277– 295.

Forage Economics

Ouédraogo, A., Zampaligré, N., Balehegn, M., & Adesogan, A. T. 2022. Assessment of peri-urban livestock producers’ willingness to pay for improved forages as cash crops. Agronomy Journal, 1– 11.

Grass Hybrids

Worku, M., Lemma, H., Shawle, K., Adie, A., Duncan, A. J., Jones, C. S., Mekonnen, K., Notenbaert, An, & Bezabih, M. 2022*. Potential of Urochloa grass hybrids as fodder in the Ethiopian highlands. Agronomy Journal, 114, 126– 137.


Zampaligre, N., Traoré, T. C., Sawadogo, E. T. B. P., Ayantunde, A., Prasad, K. V. S. V., Blummel, M., Balehegn, M., Rios, E., Dubeux, J. C., Boote, K., & Adesogan, A. T. 2021. Herbage accumulation and nutritive value of cultivar Mulato II, Congo grass, and Guinea grass cultivar C1 in a subhumid zone of West Africa. Agronomy Journal, 1– 10.

Dual-Purpose Fodder

Zampaligre, N., Yoda, G., Delma, J., Sanfo, A., Balehegn, M., Rios, E., Dubeux, J.C., Boote, K. and Adesogan, A.T. 2021. Fodder biomass, nutritive value, and grain yield of dual-purpose Pearl Millet, Sorghum and Maize cultivars across different agro-ecologies in Burkina Faso. Agron. J. Accepted Author Manuscript.

* These articles were guided by but did receive funds directly from the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems

How to access articles

These articles should be openly available. However, if you have trouble with access, try these steps:

 If you are unable to access an article online, you may contact the corresponding author to request a copy for personal use only.

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems is part of Feed the Future

This work was funded in whole or part by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Resilience, Environment and Food Security under Agreement # AID-OAA-L-15-00003 as part of Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems. Additional funding was received from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation OPP#060115.  Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors alone.