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Enabling Environment

The aim of this cross-cutting theme is to assess and enhance the national context for supporting livestock policies and institutions. We will work with diverse stakeholders in all five target countries to identify and address knowledge gaps, promote effective mechanisms for dialogue and consultation, and convene engaging platforms for information and knowledge sharing to support the formulation or implementation of policies that improve the performance and sustainability of livestock systems.

In particular, we will:

  • Support policy processes:
    • Strengthen the capacity of researchers and in-country actors for communicating key research findings more effectively to policy makers and contributing to ongoing policy dialogues.
    • Work closely with local actors to develop a partnership model directed at creating and strengthening sustainable networks between livestock sector stakeholders with particular attention to private sector engagement.
  •  Conduct technical analyses:
    • Evaluate and monitor the extent to which research activities supported by the Lab contribute to building multi-stakeholder partnerships and enabling environments in selected target countries.
    • Conduct political economy analyses or other expert reviews of the impact of existing or potential policies on animal-source food production, food safety, and consumption.

The work builds on Phase I partnerships and seeks to collaborate with other initiatives, including the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research, Capacity, and Influence.

This theme collaborates with all three areas of inquiry as well as the other cross cutting themes. For example, it will help create more inclusive opportunities for women and youth to participate in stakeholder meetings and to inform policy making.  


Course 1: Engaging Stakeholders Course

This course is designed for researchers who want to contribute to an enabling policy environment and make their research projects more relevant to stakeholders. This is a free online course, available on the platform Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) at the University of Florida (UF), and designed to be taken at your own pace. Through short video lectures, slides and supplementary materials (available both in English and French), you will learn tips on how to positively interact with stakeholders throughout the lifecycle of a research project. Participants can complete the course in less than 2 hours and get a certificate of completion.
To view the course's videos on YouTube, select a playlist language:

Course 2: Producing Effective Policy Briefs

This free online course was designed for researchers who want to contribute to reducing the gap between research and practice by producing effective policy briefs that support evidence-based policies and interventions. You will learn the basic steps and strategies for writing effective policy briefs and for ensuring that the policy implications reach a wider target audience. This course can be taken at your own pace (approximately 1 hour). Video lectures and slides are available in English and French. If you attend the course through the  UF/IFAS online platform, you will be able to obtain a completion certificate. You can also watch the playlist through the links below.  

Webinar: The Enabling Environment for Animal-Source Food Market Systems — Lessons from the Field

Animal-source foods (ASF) hold tremendous potential for USAID programming to achieve economic growth, resilience, inclusiveness, and improved nutrition. Yet, for these investments to succeed, key factors within the enabling environment are required to support the unique characteristics of ASF systems.

Jointly presented by the Feed the Future Enabling Environment for Food Security (EEFS) project and the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems, this three-part series explores three central categories within the enabling environment that impact animal source foods (ASF) system success. 


The Enabling Environment team is led by Dr. Renata Serra.


Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems is part of Feed the Future

This work was funded in whole or part by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Resilience, Environment and Food Security under Agreement # AID-OAA-L-15-00003 as part of Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems. Additional funding was received from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation OPP#060115.  Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors alone.