These publications in peer-reviewed journals represent research that was funded by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems. If you need support to access a particular article, contact us, or learn from librarians about accessing international resources.
Listed in alphabetical order:
(skip to last names starting with: D or M or R )
Abdou, M.M., Gomma, A.D., Issa, S., Yahoussa, G., Karimou, M., Bagnan, S., and Moussa, Y.Z. 2021. Performance zootechnique des jeunes ovins mâles nourris en complémentation au résidu de moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) au Niger. (Zootechnical performance of young male sheep fed as a supplement to moringa residue (Moringa oleifera Lam.) in Niger). Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 15(5): 2050-2057. DOI:
Abdu, Y., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., and Bradford, B. 2023. Effect of locally available and commercial preservatives on nutrient content, organic matter digestibility and microbial changes of wet brewers' grain. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 21(2), 273-289.
Acosta, D., Hendrickx, S., and McKune, S. 2019. The livestock vaccine supply chain: Why it matters and how it can help eradicate peste des petits ruminants, based on findings in Karamoja, Uganda. Vaccine 37 (2019) 6285–6290.
Adesogan, A., S. McKune, Eilitta, M., Havelaar, A., and Dahl, G. 2020. Animal source foods: sustainability problem or sustainability and malnutrition solution? Perspective matters. Global Food Security, Volume 25, 100325.
- Above article ranks in the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric
Adesogan, A.T., and Dahl, G.E. November 2020. MILK Symposium Introduction: Dairy production in developing countries. Journal of Dairy Science, volume 103, issue 11.
Amenu, K., Shibiru, A., Kumbe, A., Konyole, S., Jaleta, M., and Tiki, W. 2024. Perceptions of rural and urban residents in Borana pastoral and agro-pastoral areas in Ethiopia related to milk adulteration. BMC Nutrition 10, 66.
Amenu, K., Agga, G.E., Kumbe, A., Shibiru, A., Desta, H., Tiki, W., Dego, O.K., Wieland, B., Grace, D. and Alonso, S. November 2020. MILK Symposium review: Community-tailored training to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of women regarding hygienic milk production and handling in Borana pastoral area of southern Ethiopia. Journal of Dairy Science, volume 103, issue 11. It is openly available.
Ameye, H., Nisrane Bachewe, F., and Minten, B. 2021. The rising price of nutritious foods: The case of Ethiopia. Global Food Security, Volume 31,100582.
Amole, T., Augustine, A., Balehegn, M., & Adesogoan, A. T. 2021. Livestock feed resources in the West African Sahel. Agronomy Journal, 1–20.
- Newsletter item about the above article: CSA News. March 2022. Feed limits livestock productivity in the West African Sahel. Crop Science Society of America.
Anato, A., Headey, D., Hirvonen, K., Pokharel, A., Tessema, M., Wu, F., and Baye, K. 2024. Feed handling practices, aflatoxin awareness and children's milk consumption in the Sidama region of southern Ethiopia. One Health, 18, 100672.
Aragie, E., Beyene, S. T., Legesse, E., and Thurlow, J. 2021. Linked Economic and Animal Systems (LEAS) Model: Technical documentation. IFPRI Discussion Paper 2011. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC.
Aragie, E.A., and Thurlow, J. 2022. Modeling the recovery dynamics of Ethiopia cattle population. Journal of Arid Environments, 197, 104664.
Ashagrie, A.K., Feyissa, F., Kebede, G., Faji, M., Mohammed, K., Mengistu, G., Kitaw, G., Dejene, M., Geleti, D., Minta, M., Rios, E.F., Balehegn, M., and Adesogan, A.T. 2023. Enhancing dairy productivity through best bet feeding interventions under smallholders in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Front. Anim. Sci. 4:1118437.
Ayantunde A.A., Adamou K., Seybou G., and Moumouni O. 2022. Livestock feed markets across seasons in periurban areas of Niger: seller and buyer profiles, feed price and quality. Rev. Elev. Med. Vet. Pays Trop., 75 (2). (French with PDF in English)
Ayantunde, A.A., Amole, T. and Duncan, A.J., 2023. Livestock feed markets across agro-ecological zones of Burkina Faso: feed provenance, price and quality. Frontiers in Animal Science, 4, p.1122416.
Bedaso, N. H., Bezabih, M, Zewdu Kelkay, T, Adie, A, Khan, N A, Jones, C S, Mekonnen, K, Wolde-meskel, E. 2021. Effect of fertilizer inputs on productivity and herbage quality of native pasture in degraded tropical grasslands. Agronomy Journal, 1–12.
Balehegn, M., Andrade Laborde, J.E., McKune, S.L., and Adesogan, A.T. 2022. The importance of meat for cognitive development. Meat and Muscle Biology, 5(3): 13040, 1–20.
Balehegn, M., Ayantunde, A., Amole, T., Njarui, D., Nkosi, B. D., Müller, F.L., Meeske, R., Tjelele, T.J., Malebana, I.M., Madibela, O. R., Boitumelo, W.S., Lukuyu, B., Weseh, A., Minani, E., and Adesogan, A.T. 2021. Forage conservation in sub-Saharan Africa: Review of experiences, challenges, and opportunities. Agronomy Journal, 1–25.
Balehegn, M., Duncan, A., Tolera, A., Ayantunde, A.A., Issa, S., Karimou, M., Zampaligré, N., André, K., Gnanda, I., Varijakshapanicker, P., Kebreab, E., Dubeux, J., Boote, K., Minta, M., Feyissa, F., and Adesogan, A.T. 2020. Improving adoption of technologies and interventions for increasing supply of quality livestock feed in low- and middle-income countries. Global Food Security, Volume 26, 100372.
Balehegn, M., Kebreab, E., Tolera, A., Hunt, S., Erickson, P., Crane, T.A., and Adesogan, A.T. 2021. Livestock sustainability research in Africa with a focus on the environment. Animal Frontiers, Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 47–56.
Balehegn, M., Mekuriaw, Z., Miller, L., McKune, S., and Adesogan. A. T. 2019. Animal source foods for improved cognitive development. Animal Frontiers.
Balehegn, M., Varijakshapanicker, P., Zampaligre, N., Blummel, M., Ayantunde, A., Jones, C., Prasad, K., Duncan, A. and Adesogan, A.T. 2021. The use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for forage nutritive value analysis in sub-Saharan African countries: Challenges and opportunities. Agron. J. Accepted Author Manuscript.
Bardosh, K.L., Hussein, J.W., Sadik, E.A., Hassen, J.Y., Ketema, M., Ibrahim, A.M., Sarah Lindley McKune, S.L., and Havelaar, A.H. 2020. Chicken eggs, childhood stunting and environmental hygiene: an ethnographic study from the Campylobacter genomics and environmental enteric dysfunction (CAGED) project in Ethiopia. One Health Outlook 2, 5.
Beal Cohen, A.A., Muneepeerakul, R. and Kiker, G. 2021. Intra-group decision-making in agent-based models. Nature: Scientific Reports, 11(1), pp.1-11.
Bedaso, N. H., Bezabih, M, Zewdu Kelkay, T, Adie, A, Khan, N A, Jones, C S, Mekonnen, K, Wolde-meskel, E. 2021. Effect of fertilizer inputs on productivity and herbage quality of native pasture in degraded tropical grasslands. Agronomy Journal, 1–12.
Biratu, K., Urge, M., Kitaw, G., Feyissa, F. and Adesogan, A.T., 2024. Productive Performance of Lactating Crossbred Dairy Cows Fed with Wheat Straw‐Based Densified Complete Feed Block. Advances in Agriculture, 2024(1).
Biratu, K., Urge, M., Kitaw, G., Feyissa, F., and Adesogan, A. 2021. Conservation, Processing and Utilization Practices of Cereal Straw as Basal Feed for Dairy Cattle in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia. East African Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 5(1), 1-14.
Birhanu, A.F., Mummed, Y.Y., and Kurtu, M.Y. 2020. Level of Bruising and DFD Carcassesfrom Bulls of Arsi, Boran and Harar Cattle Breeds in Ethiopia. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 10, 203-218.
Birhanu, A. F., Mummed, Y.Y., Kurtu, M.Y., O’Quinn, T., and Jiru, Y. T. 2019. Level of Pre-slaughter stress and quality of beef from Arsi, Boran and Harar cattle breeds in Ethiopia. Cogent Food & Agriculture 5: 1694233.
Bizimana, J.-C., Derseh, M.B., Adie, A., Kiker, G. 2023. Simulated economic and nutritional impacts of irrigated fodder and crossbred cows on farm households in southern Ethiopia. World Development Perspective Volume 31.
Boone, R.B., Lesorogol, C.K. and Galvin, K.A., 2024. Drought frequency, conservancies, and pastoral household well-being. Ecology and Society, 29(1).
Boote, K. J., Adesogan, A. T., Balehegn, M., Duncan, A., Muir, J. P., Dubeux, J. C. B., & Rios, E. F. 2021. Fodder development in sub-Saharan Africa: An Introduction. Agronomy Journal, 1–7.
Brown, C., Havas, K., Bowen, R., Mariner, J., Fentie, K.T., Kebede, E., Berhe, N., Anselme, S., Mwiine, F.N., Lakew, M., Kroesna, K., and Hernandez, J. 2020. Animal health in a development context. Global Food Security, Volume 25, 100369.
Brown, S.M., Nguyen-Viet, H., Grace, D., Ty, C., Samkol, P., Sokchea, H., Pov, S., and Young, M.F. 2022. Understanding how food safety risk perception influences dietary decision making among women in Phenom Phnom Penh, Cambodia: a qualitative study. BMJ Open 12:e054940. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054940
Chea, B., Kang, K., Vipham, J., Tokach, L., and Tokach, M. 2020. Assessment of Pig Disease Prevention of Smallholder Farmers and Village Animal Health Workers in Rural and Peri-Urban Cambodia. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 10, 572-591.
Chen, D., McKune, S.L., Singh, N., Hassen, J.Y., Gebreyes, W., Manary, M.J., Bardosh, K., Yang, Y., Diaz, N., Mohammed, A., Terefe, Y., Roba, K.T., Ketema, M., Ameha, N., Assefa, N., Rajashekara, G., Deblais, L., Ghanem, M., Yimer, G., and Havelaar, A.H. 2021. Campylobacter Colonization, Environmental Enteric Dysfunction, Stunting, and Associated Risk Factors Among Young Children in Rural Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study From the Campylobacter Genomics and Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (CAGED) Project. Front. Public Health, Volume 8, Article 615793.
Chen, D., Mechlowitz, K., Li, X., Schaefer, N., Havelaar, A.H., and McKune, S.L. 2021. Benefits and Risks of Smallholder Livestock Production on Child Nutrition in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Front. Nutr. 8:751686.
Chen, D., Havelaar, A.H., Platts-Mills J, and Yang, Y. 2024. Acquisition and Clearance Dynamics of Campylobacter spp. in Children in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Epidemics, 2024;46:100749.
Chen, D., McKune, S., Yang, Y., Usmane, IA, Ahmed, IA, Amin, JK, Ibrahim, AM, Seran, AJ, Sheik, N., Ojeda, A., Hassen, BM, Deblais, L., Ahmedo, BU, Hassen, KA, Bhrane, M., Li, X., Singh, N., Roba, KT, French, N., Rajashekara, G., Manary, M., Hassen, JY, Havelaar, A. 2025. Campylobacter colonization and undernutrition in infants in rural Eastern Ethiopia: a longitudinal community-based birth cohort study. Frontiers in Public Health.
Coffin-Schmitt, J.L., Moore, E.V., McKune, S.L., Mo, R., Nkamwesiga, J., Isingoma, E., Nantima, N., Adiba, R., Mwiine, F.N., Nsamba, P., Hendrickx, S., and Mariner, J.C. 2021. Measurement and Sampling Error in Mixed-Methods Research for the Control of Peste des Petits Ruminants in the Karamoja Subregion of Northeastern Uganda: A Cautionary Tale. Preventive Veterinary Medicine.
Collishaw, A., Janzen, S., Mullally, C. and Camilli, H. 2023. A Review of Livestock Development Interventions’ Impacts on Household Welfare in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Global Food Security 38.
Colverson, K.E. 2018. Increasing the Health and Nutritional Outcomes of the Government of Rwanda’s “One Cow per Poor Family” Program from a Gender Perspective. Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 8 (2): 31-44.
Colverson, K.E., Coble-Harris, L., Galie, A., Moore, E.V. Munoz, O., McKune, S.L., Singh, N., and Mo, R. 2020. Evolution of a gender tool: WEAI, WELI and livestock research. Global Food Security, Volume 26, 100375,
Daba, A.K., Murimi, M., Abegaz, K., and Hailu, D. 2021. Determinants and constraints to household-level animal source food consumption in rural communities of Ethiopia. Journal of Nutritional Science, 10, e58.
Dagne, T., Mummed, Y.Y., Kurtu, M.Y., Leta, M.U., O’Quinn, T.G., and Vipham, J.L. 2021. Proximate Composition and Fatty Acid Profile of Beef from Arsi, Borana and Harar Cattle Breeds in Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Open Journal of Animal Sciences , 11, 139-156.
Dahourou, L.D., Konaté, A., Tapsoba, A.S.R., Dicko, A., Sanou, M., Tamboura, H.H., Bayala, B., Salissou, I., Traoré, A., Logan, L.L., and Tembely, S. 2021. Epidemiology and spatio-temporal distribution of gastrointestinal parasites infection and accuracy of FAMACHA test in sheep in traditional farming systems in Burkina Faso. Trop Anim Health Prod., 6;53(3):392.
Deblais, L., Ojeda, A., Bhrane, M., Ibrahim, B., Abdi, K., Usmael, B., Demisie, Y., Amin, J., Ahmed, I., Usmane, I., Yusuf, E., Usmail, M., Mummed, B., Game, H., Abrahim, F., Seran, A., Umer, K., Dawid, M., French, N.P., Gebreyes, W., Hassen, J., Manary, M., Ibrahim, A., Roba, K., Saleem, C., Dehao, C., McKune, S., Havelaar, A., and Rajashekara, G. 2023. Prevalence and load of Campylobacter genus in infants and associated household in rural Eastern Ethiopia: a longitudinal study from the Campylobacter Genomics and Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (CAGED) Project. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Deblais, L., Usmael, B., Ojeda, A., Mummed, B., Wang, Y., Mekonnen, Y., Demisie, Y., Hassen, K., Brhane, M., McKune, S., Havelaar, A., Liang, S., and Rajashekara, G. 2025. Assessing fecal contamination from human and environmental sources using Escherichia coli as an indicator in rural eastern Ethiopian households - a study from the EXCAM project. Frontiers in Public Health.
Demil, E., Fentie, T., Vidal, G., Jackson, W., Lane, J., Mekonnen, S.A., and Smith, W. 2021. Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus antibodies and risk factors in dairy cattle in Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Volume 191, 105363,
De Vries, A., Kaylegian, K.E., and Dahl G.E. November 2020. MILK Symposium review: Improving the productivity, quality, and safety of milk in Rwanda and Nepal. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 103, Issue 11.
D’Haene, E., Vandevelde, S., and Minten. B. 2021. Fasting, food and farming: Value chains and food taboos in Ethiopia. PLoS ONE 16(12): e0259982.
Dicko, A., Konate, A., Tapsoba, A.S.R., Tindano, K., Sanou, M., Kabore, A., Logan, L.L., Traore, A., Bayala, B., and Tamboura, H.H. 2021. Anthelmintic activity in Vitro of Ceratotheca Sesamoides endl and Striga Hermonthica (Delile) benth aqueous extracts on Haemonchus Contortus adult worms. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 40(2)-2021. BJSTR. MS.ID.006414.
Dicko, A., Konate, A., Zabre, G., Tapsoba, A.S.R., Tindano, B., Sanou, M., Kabore, A., Traore, A., Bayala, B., and Tamboura, H.H. In vivo anthelminthic activity of Ceratotheca sesamoïdes Endl whole plant powder. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 8, No. 2, 2022, pp. 64-71. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaas.20220802.11
Duong, M., Nguyen-Viet, H., Grace, D., Ty, C., Sokchea, H., Sina, V., and Young, M. 2021. Perceived neighborhood food access is associated with consumption of animal-flesh food, fruits and vegetables among mothers and young children in peri-urban Cambodia. Public Health Nutrition, 1-29.
Erge, C., Mummed, Y., Kurtu, M., Musa, A., Gemeda, M., and O’Quinn, T. 2022. Carcass Traits, Meat Yield and Primal Meat Cuts from Arsi, Harar, Ogaden and F1 Jersey*Horro Crossbred Bulls Fed Corn Silage Based Similar Finishing Diet. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 12, 251-270.
Erge, C., Mummed, Y., Musa, A., Kefenie, K., Kurtu, Y., Gemeda, T., and O’Quinn, T. 2024. Exploratory study of growth performance of Harar, Ogaden, Arsi, and Jersey× Horro crossbred bulls fed corn silage based finishing diet. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10(1).
Farnworth, C.R., Jumba, H., Otieno, P.E., Galie, A., Ouma, E., Flax, V.L., Schreiner, M.-A., Coverson, K. 2023. Gender roles and masculinities in leveraging milk for household nutrition: Evidence from two districts in Rwanda. Food Policy, Volume 118.
Feyisa, T., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., Balehegn, M. and Adesogan, A. 2024. Availability, distribution and quality of agro-industrial byproducts and compound feeds in Ethiopia. Frontiers in Animal Science. Volume 5.
Feyisa, T., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., Balehegn, M., Yigrem, S., Bedaso, M., Boneya, M., & Adesogan, A. 2021. Assessment of fodder resources in Ethiopia: Biomass production and nutritional value. Agronomy Journal. 2021, 1–18.
Flax, V.L., Ouma, E., Izerimana, L., Schreiner, M., Brower, A.O., Niyonzima, E., Nyilimana, C., Ufitinema, A., and Uwineza, A. 2021. Animal source food social and behavior change communication intervention among Girinka livestock transfer beneficiaries in Rwanda: a cluster randomized evaluation. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2021;9(3).
Flax, V.L., Ouma, E.A., Schreiner, M-A., Ufitinema, A., Niyonzima, E., Colverson K.E., and Galiè, A. 2023. Engaging fathers to support child nutrition increases frequency of children’s animal source food consumption in Rwanda. PLoS ONE 18(4): e0283813.
Fraval, S., Mutua, S., Amole, T., Tolera, A., Feyisa, T., Thornton, P., Notenbaert, A., Adesogan, A., Balehegn, M., Ayantunde, A., Zampaligre, N. and Duncan, A. 2024. Feed balances for ruminant livestock: gridded estimates for data constrained regions. Animal. Volume 18, Issue 7, 101199.
Gadisa, B., Yusuf, Y., AND Kurtu M.Y. 2019. Evaluation of physical facilities, operation and management practice in selective public abattoirs in Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia. Int. J. Agric. Sc. Food Technol. 5(1): 043-049. 10.17352/2455-815X.000040.
Gadisa, B., Yusuf, Y., and Yousuf, M. 2019. Evaluation of eating quality in sensory panelist and instrumental tenderness of beef from Harar, Arsi and Bale Cattle Breeds in Oromia, Ethiopia. Int. J. Agric. Sc. Food Technol. 5(1): 035-042.
Gage, A., Mummed, Y., Kebede, E., and Girma, M. 2022. Maize Silage effect on Feedlot Performance, Carcass Traits and Meat Quality of Ethiopian Cattle. International Journal of Livestock Research, 12(3), 36-52.
Gill, T., Ader, D., Srean, P., Hok, L., Cheat, S. and Lear, A. 2020. Living fences for improved smallholder livestock systems in Cambodia. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods.
Givens, D.I. November 2020. MILK Symposium review: The importance of milk and dairy foods in the diets of infants, adolescents, pregnant women, adults, and the elderly. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 103, Issue 11.
Gomma, A.D., Issa, S., Abasse, T., Banoin, M. and Schlech, E. 2020. Effets du ramassage des fourrages sur l’environnement et sur les activités agro-sylvo-pastorales et commerciales dans les régions sahéliennes au Niger (Effects of forage harvesting on environmental, agricultural, pastoral and trading activities in the sahelian regions of Niger). International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Volume 13, No. 6.
Gomma, A.D., Issa, S., Gambo, Y., and Abdou, M.M. 2021. Evaluation technico-économique de trois (3) formules alimentaires à base des ressources locales pour l'embouche des boucs roux à Maradi au Niger. (Technical and economic evaluation of three (3) feed formulas based on local resources for the fattening of red goats in Maradi in Niger). International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 33(4), 733-741.
Grace, D., Knight-Jones, T. J., Melaku, A., Alders, R., and Jemberu, W. T. 2024. The Public Health Importance and Management of Infectious Poultry Diseases in Smallholder Systems in Africa. Foods, 13(3), 411.
Grace, D., Wu, F., and Havelaar, A.H. November 2020. MILK Symposium review: Foodborne diseases from milk and milk products in developing countries—Review of causes and health and economic implications. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 103, Issue 11.
Habiyaremye, N., Mtimet, N., Ouma, E.A., Obare, A.G. 2023. Cooperative membership effects on farmers’ choice of milk marketing channels in Rwanda. Food Policy, Volume 118, 2023, 102499.
Habiyaremye, N., Ouma, E.A., Mtimet, N. and Obare, G.A. 2021. A Review of the Evolution of Dairy Policies and Regulations in Rwanda and Its Implications on Inputs and Services Delivery. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8:611298.
Harris-Coble, L., Balehegn, M., Adesogan, A.T. and Colverson, K. 2021. Gender and livestock feed research in developing countries: A review. Agron. J. Accepted Author Manuscript.
Hatew, Bayissa, Francisco Peñagaricano, Mulubrhan Gebremikael, Chris S. Jones, Geoffrey E. Dahl, and Adegbola T. Adesogan. "Synergies of feed, management trainings, and genetics on milk production of dairy cows in the tropics: The case of Ethiopian smallholder farmers." Frontiers in Animal Science 4 (2023): 18.
Hatew, B., Balehegn, M., Tolera, A., Jones, C., & and Adesogan, A. T. 2023. Noug Seed Cake Quality and Safety: Extension article. Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33(1), 139-148.
Havelaar, A.H., Brhane, M., Ahmed IA, Ahmed, I.A., Kedir, J., Chen, D., Deblais, L., French, N., Gebreyes, W.A., Hassen, J.Y., Li, X., Manary, M.J., Mekuria, Z., Ibrahim, A.M., Mummed, B., Ojeda, A., Rajashekara, G., Roba, K.T., Saleem, C., Singh, N., Usmane, I.A., Yang, Y., Yimer, G., and McKune, S. 2022. Unravelling the reservoirs for colonisation of infants with Campylobacter spp. in rural Ethiopia: protocol for a longitudinal study during a global pandemic and political tensions. BMJ Open, 12:e061311. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061311
Henriksson, E., Söderberg, R., Ström Hallenberg, G., Kroesna, K., Ly, S., Sear, B., Unger, F., Tum, S., Nguyen-Viet, H., and Lindahl, J.F. 2021. Japanese Encephalitis in Small-Scale Pig Farming in Rural Cambodia: Pig Seroprevalence and Farmer Awareness. Pathogens, 10(5):578.
Hsu, P., Pokharel, A., Scott, C. Wu, F. 2024. Aflatoxin M1 in Milk and Dairy Products: The State of the Evidence for Child Growth Impairment. Food & Chemical Toxicology 193:115008.
Hunduma, D.; Amenu, K.; Desta, H.; Grace, D.; Agga, G.E.; Kerro Dego, O. 2024. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella, and the Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus in Dairy Cattle and Camels under Pastoral Production System. Antibiotics 2024, 13, 26.
Janzen, S., Magnan, N., Mullally, C., Sharma, S., and Shrestha, B. 2025. Going the distance: Hybrid vocational training for women in Nepal. Journal of Development Economics.
Kabore, M., Sanon H. O., Kiema A., et Nianogo A. J. 2020. Étude du maillon de la transformation des petits ruminants dans la commune de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso. Spécial hors-série n° 5 — Janvier 2020, Science et technique, Sciences naturelles et appliquées. French language. (Study of the processing links of small ruminants in the communal district of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. Special issue No. 5, January 2020, Science and Technique, Natural and Applied Sciences, p. 471-483.)
Kabore, M., Sanon, H.O., Kiema, A., Nianogo, A.J. and Gnanda, I.B. 2022. Evaluation des performances de l’embouche ovine paysanne dans la commune de Korsimoro au Burkina Faso (Evaluation of the performance of peasant sheep fattening in the commune of Korsimoro in Burkina Faso). Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 16(3): 1031-1043.
Kebede, G., Worku, W., Feyissa, F., and Jifar, H. 2023. Agro-morphological traits-based genetic diversity assessment on oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes in the central highlands of Ethiopia. ALL LIFE 2023, 16(1) pp. 1-17.
Kebede, G., Worku, W., Feyissa, F., and Jifar, H. 2023. Correlation and path coefficient analysis for quantitative traits of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad), 100(2), pp. 68-88.
Kebede, G., Worku, W., Feyissa, F., and Jifar, H. 2023. Genotype by environment interaction and stability analysis for selection of superior fodder yield performing oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes using GGE biplot in Ethiopia. Ecological genetics and genomics 28(2023), pp. 1-11.
Kebede, G., Worku, W., Jifar, H., and Feyissa, F. 2023. GGE biplot analysis of genotype by environment interaction and grain yield stability of oat (Avena sativa L.) in Ethiopia. Agrosystems, Geosciences & environment. Pp. 1-16.
Kebede, G., Worku, W., Jifar, H., and Feyissa, F. 2023. Grain yield stability analysis using parametric and nonparametric statistics in oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes in Ethiopia. Grassland Research, pp. 1-15.
Kebede, G., Worku, W., Jifar, H., and Feyissa, F. 2023. Multivariate analysis for yield and yield-related traits of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes in Ethiopia. Ecological genetics and genomics 28(2023), pp. 1-11.
Kebede, G., Worku, W., Jifar, H., and Feyissa, F. 2023. Stability analysis for fodder yield of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes using univariate statistical models under diverse environmental conditions in Ethiopia. Ecological genetics and genomics 29(2023), pp. 1-13.
Kebede, G., Faji, M., Feyissa, F., Mengistu, G., Kehaliew, A., Mohammed, K., Dejene, M., Geleti, D., Minta, M., Balehegn, M. and Boote, K.J., 2024. Productivity and economic feasibility of cultivated forage and food crops in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Frontiers in Animal Science, Volume 5 - 2-24.
Kebede, G., Worku, W., Feyissa, F., and Jifar, H. 2024. Grain yield stability analysis for oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes using additive main effects and multiplicative interactions model under different environments in Ethiopia. Ecological Genetics and Genomics,
Kelly, L., Bougouin A., and Kebreab, E. 2021. Maintenance energy requirement and efficiency of utilisation of metabolisable energy for milk production of Bos taurus × Bos indicus crossbred tropical dairy cows: a meta-analysis. Animal Production Science 61, 1338-1347.
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Special Resources
Aflatoxin M1 in Milk, 2022
Special Issue
Agronomy Journal, 2022
Special Issue
Global Food Security, July 2021
Special Issue
Journal of Dairy Science, November 2020